
Nice hand, but you're still no Phil Ivey....

Essentially, this first post is a test run, just to see how things look in the settings I have chosen and to decide if I like the blogspot format enough to expand on this later. If I decide to do so, I will eventually begin laying not only my poker journal, but my life, somewhat, out there for the world to see. The following is copy and pasted from my page on poketfives.com. If you want to check it out, my profile name there is, big surprise: No Phil Ivey. I'm posting this "random fact" to alleviate any future ponders concerning the peculiarity of the name I have chosen for my blog. Enjoy.

Random fact: In case you were wondering about my name, No Phil Ivey, there is a story. About 2 years ago (closer to 4 now), I was playing 1-2 NL on fulltilt.com with Phil Ivey in the game (he's on there sometimes... easy to find... it's called, "Phil Ivey's Table"). Anyway, he was actually playing (usually isn't), and he and I were tearing up the game. Eventually though, we got into a hand together... and long story short, I played my hand a little tricky, and at the river, took his stack with trip K's, 10 kicker (he had K,8). At the end of the hand I said, "I got lucky"... to which he replied (the only words he typed in the hour and a half he played) "No, you played it perfect." Which pretty much put me on cloud 9... lol... I'll admit it, I felt good about myself. Another player soon chimed in, however, "Nice hand, but you're still no Phil Ivey" and I loved it... so it stuck. That's the story of my name... I'll never change it.


Anonymous said...

Great Read, especially liked the story of your name, your no Phil Ivey, def. worth a look.

Unknown said...

Im glad you decided to do something constructive with your time. Im proud of you Mike. You have inspired me top create a blog, perhaps I will call it, "Nice ass, but your still no brazillian." I will dedicate this blog to all the women with nice asses. lol j/k This is cool though, ill read it regularly.